Parent–Student Handbooks

Parent/Student Handbooks and policies


Respect for the dignity and worth of each individual is a basic tenet of the Catholic faith. St. Mary's Catholic School is dedicated to the Christian principle that all people are created in the image of God and therefore must be treated with dignity and respect. It is the policy of St. Mary's Catholic School to provide all students a learning environment and all employees a workplace that is free from all forms of bullying.

St. Mary's Catholic School will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student or staff member. A student, staff member, teacher, parent, volunteer, coach, or substitute teacher shall not intimidate or harass another person through words or actions.

This policy prohibits any unwelcome physical, social, electronic, sexual, verbal, or written conduct from one person/persons towards another person. Violation of this policy will be cause for disciplinary action.



Bullying, harassment, or intimidation means intentional unwanted, aggressive behavior with an imbalance of power; it may include verbal, physical, written, or electronic conduct/communication that is repeated.

Bullying may include but not be limited to physical (hitting, pushing, shoving), verbal (teasing, threatening, coercing, calling derogatory names, sharing derogatory videos/photos, in person, through written form, or through social media), or relational (spreading rumors, or ostracizing) behaviors. 



This policy prohibits bullying that occurs on school premises, on any bus or vehicle as part of any school activity, or during any school function, extracurricular activity, or other school-sponsored event or activity.


Reporting Breach of Policy

Students, teachers, and parents have the duty to report any bullying to the school administration immediately. If a student experiences bullying, a parent or other student witnesses any incident of bullying, the incident must be promptly reported to the school administrator. The administration will provide the student/parent with the Bullying Report Form, which must be completed, dated, and signed by the reporting party in order to assist the school in its investigation.

Report forms will be retained at school until the students involved leave the school.


Disciplinary Action

Any student found to have violated this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include: temporary removal from the classroom, loss of privileges, detention, counseling, parent conference, suspension, expulsion and/or notification to appropriate authorities. The disciplinary action may be unique to the individual incident and may vary in method and severity based upon the principal’s discretion.

False reports or accusations of bullying also constitute a violation of this policy and may subject the offending party to appropriate disciplinary action.



In order to ensure that a safe, healthy, caring, respectful learning environment exists for all students in St. Mary's Catholic School, educating students, teachers, and parents about the policy must take place annually. Therefore, St. Mary's Catholic School will file an annual Bully Education Plan with the Department of Catholic Education by September 15 of each school year. The plan will include educational components for students, teachers, and parents. 

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