The St. Mary's Difference

Why St. Mary's Catholic School?

As Alabama’s oldest private school, St. Mary’s has been a beacon of faith and academics throughout the state.

We have a myriad of programs designed to meet each student’s individual needs; from an excellent Resource Department for those needing extra help, to our Marian Honors Program designed to challenge our academically gifted students.

The Catholic Faith is interwoven throughout all subjects and classes and is an integral part in the success of St. Mary's Catholic School today. Students attend Mass weekly, go to Adoration, act out Living Stations of the Cross, participate in an Advent Nativity Play, as well as daily instruction about the tenets of the Catholic Faith. Something Beautiful for God is our service program in which students raise money for the needy, conduct clothing and food drives, and learn to live out Christian Charity. Check out our school in the video above and watch the testimonials of current school parents below.

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What our parents have to say about St. Mary's

We asked our parents,
What's your favorite thing about St. Mary's?

"It’s like a second family.”

“Best school administrators, teachers and families.”

“I feel my children are truly loved and cared for at school.”

“They made us feel like we belonged.”

“It’s a place where I know my son experiences God’s love through his daily interactions with his teachers and classmates.”

“I love St. Mary’s because the staff is so passionate about the kids. Being a parent of a special needs child and to see the outpouring of love towards her makes my heart smile.”

“They are true examples of our faith.”

“The diversity and love of community.”

“How everyone knows our kids and everyone is very close.”

“St. Mary’s provides an amazing environment for my son to not only grow in his education, but also his friendships and relationship with Christ.”

“The teachers and staff love my child like their own.”

“My child is known. She doesn’t get lost in the shuffle of kids, but she is an individual.”

“I love that my child is taught by people who really care about her well being."

We asked our parents,
What does St. Mary's mean to you?

“I cannot say enough about how amazing St. Mary’s truly is and what it means to my family and me. On our drive from west mobile to St. Mary we pass several good schools to get to the best. We are greeted every morning by the sweetest and happiest staff, which is such a blessing. This school doesn’t just have the best staff—it also has the most amazing families. Most importantly my kids are taught to love God and love each other...We have been at St. Mary’s for 2 years and we are 2 for 2 with both of my kids saying they have the best teachers. I dropped in to see my nephew who is in middle school and I was so impressed. The students were so interested. It was cool to participate and they were so smart.”

“It’s where our five children have grown from small people to big people. It’s our home away from home.”

“St. Mary’s means a safe learning environment for our child to grow and flourish.”

“It means I can send my children to school with so many opportunities to learn new things, give them a safe space to grow and learn, and do it all while strengthening their faith. That means the foundations we build at home are being mirrored at school and I can already tell our Kindergartner sees the connections between St. Mary's and our values
at home.”

“It has molded my children into respectful, responsible teenagers.”

“Family and tradition.”

“It’s a place of safety and nourishment for my son so that he will grow to take that love out into the world. It’s also a wonderful education academically. He will be able to share his gifts and education with the world at large.”

“St. Mary's Catholic School means everything to me.”

“It means a greater commitment of my faith to be shared with my little one.”

“A safe environment for my child to learn.” 

“It is a sense of peace knowing my child is in such a loving and caring environment every day.”

“Less stress, I feel like I don’t have to worry about the environment my child is in each day. I know it’s an environment that will promote her personal growth, her educational needs, and will assist us as her family to educated her in our faith. I don’t have to spend time worrying about the external influences she would have put upon her elsewhere.”

“My kid’s happy, safe place. A community, a place where your child is a person and not a number. A place we will always keep in our hearts, and return to, long after the children have graduated. Once you are an SMS Mustang, you’re always a Mustang.”

“I feel like our family is now part of the St Mary's family.
It takes a village & I feel like the teachers and staff of St. Mary's care about what is best for my child.”

Here are a several parent interviews that are more in-depth, to give you a better understanding of the parent and family experience at St. Mary's Catholic School.

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