After School Care

After School Care Program

St. Mary's Catholic School offers an After School Care Program, which is considered an extension of our school day. During this time your child will be given a snack and the opportunity to complete homework and have supervised play.

Throughout the year we will offer various activities for your children to participate in if they choose.

Register for ASC Here
Operational Hours

The After School Care Program operates in sync with the school schedule and provides after-school care from the end of the school day until 5:30pm Monday through Friday. Please make a note on your calendar regarding the school holidays. There is no ASC Program on days with half-day dismissals. In the event of extreme weather, the program will adhere to the decision of the School regarding operation. If weather or other emergencies occur during after-school hours, forcing the program to close early, parents will be contacted by phone to arrange the pickup of their child.

Registration Fee

A $50.00 registration fee per child will be charged to your first week of ASC billing in your FACTS account. The first time you use ASC this year, regardless of when in the year it takes place, will have your $50.00 registration fee added to that week's bill.

attendance Fees:

$20 per day for one child, $10 for each additional child, UP TO a maximum of 

$60/week for one child

$80/week for 2 children 

$100/week for 3+ children 

Children must be registered for ASC prior to drop in.

Late Fees for Late Pick up:

We know there are emergencies that cannot be helped. If you run into a problem please call and let us know. The School Office generally closes by 3:45 and no one will be there to answer the phone. The After School Care Program phone number is 251-445-0319. After 5:30 P.M., a late pick-up fee is charged.

$1.00 per minute

Parent Responsibilities
  • A registration form must be filled out.
  • The required Health Card must be completed and on file in the office listing emergency contact names and numbers. Sign-out sheets must be signed when picking up your child.
  • If any person other than those listed on the registration form will be picking up your child we must receive written notice. This includes sports practices off-campus. A photo ID may be required at the time of pick-up.
  • Pick up your child(ren) on time.

Student Responsibilities
  • All students will be expected to follow all rules set out in the St. Mary's Student Handbook. The After School Care Program is an extension of the school day.
  • Students will not be allowed to use cell phones.
  • Students leaving campus will not be allowed back on campus unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  • Students will report to the assigned room to be checked in at 3:15pm dismissal.
  • Students will not leave their assigned area without permission from the adult in charge.
  • Students will attend any extension activity in which they have been enrolled by a parent.


A snack will be offered every day to your child. If your child would like a different or additional snack they may bring one.


If your child becomes ill during the program you will be contacted immediately. We will follow the instructions on the emergency contact information and health cards submitted to the school office if we are unable to reach you. If your child did not attend school because of illness they may not attend the After School Care Program that day.

Annette Grow
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